Start a Chapter


Next Application Deadline:

December 31st, 2024

SACNAS chapters are a powerful and inclusive source of community that provides local and regional support for college students and professionals to succeed in STEM. Official chapters are provided a networking group to connect with other SACNAS chapters and their members are eligible to chapter-exclusive opportunities, such as professional development training and funding. Official chapters are listed on the SACNAS Chapter Directory.


Next Application Deadline:

December 31st, 2024

SACNAS chapters are a powerful and inclusive source of community that provides local and regional support for college students and professionals to succeed in STEM. Official chapters are provided a networking group to connect with other SACNAS chapters and their members are eligible to chapter-exclusive opportunities, such as professional development training and funding. Official chapters are listed on the SACNAS Chapter Directory.

Process to Becoming an Official SACNAS Chapter

  1. New student groups that want to become an official SACNAS chapter, should apply to become recognized by the SACNAS National Office.

  2. Newly recognized chapters are approved as provisional chapters for their first 12-months. During this time the SACNAS national office works with chapters to ensure that they are on track to becoming high-performing and sustainable chapters.

  3. At the end of the provisional status, chapters submit an annual report to provide an update on their progress. Chapters that demonstrate that they are becoming high-performing and sustainable chapters are approved as official chapters. Chapters need to submit annual reports each year to retain their official status.

Expectations & Resources to Become an Official SACNAS Chapter


All your chapter student members and advisor(s) are highly encouraged to have an active SACNAS membership. Use this chapter roster template to compile a list of all your student members and advisor(s). All members should be listed regardless of SACNAS Membership status. Watch our webinar on Preparing Officers for Success to get an overview and example of officer responsibilities.


Your chapter should have at least one faculty or staff advisor. The advisor(s) must provide a letter that states their commitment to serve as advisor to the student chapter and thoroughly explain how they will support and foster the development of the chapter. If your chapter has multiple advisors, they must all provide letters that also indicate how their roles differ from each other and how they work together to support the chapter. *Not required for professional chapters

Institutional Recognition

Your chapter should already be recognized by your institution as a student organization. *Not required for professional chapters. See Chapter Charter Template and Chapter Requirements for guidelines.

Chapter Marketing & Branding

Your chapter should have a consistent chapter brand for your communications and marketing. See Chapter Marketing Toolkit and Chapter Branding Toolkit for more information.


Your chapter is responsible to obtain funds to host activities and support chapter members to attend SACNAS events (e.g. national conference and community gatherings). Funds may be obtained by seeking grants through your institution, collecting sales, and/or collecting donations.

Are you interested in starting a student or a professional chapter?


Skip to Student Chapter Application >>

Skip to Professional Chapter Application >>


Student Chapter Application

Due by December 31st, 2024

CLICK HERE to open on a new tab


Professional Chapter Application

Due by December 31st, 2024

CLICK HERE to open on a new tab


Questions about the application process?

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